When I was butchering we used our vacuum packing machine every day. We used a commercial grade chamber vac machine that was manufactured in Germany and cost well into the thousands of dollars. A lot of money some 25 years ago. In those days it was hard to find a good local brand in Australia, and to think of it, I don’t even think we had a manufacturer in Australia at that time. Germany was, and is still well known for building quality machinery but now you can get vacuum machines that are manufactured in many countries. Continue reading →
VacMaster VP215 Chamber Vacuum Sealer
Vacuum packing of meat is a clever way of preserving, protecting, storing and tenderizing your product. With the VacMaster VP215 Chamer Machine
we have a professional choice for meat and food vacuum packaging. This machine can be used in the home kitchen or for commercial use. Continue reading →
Rabbit Meat-Nutritional With Healthy Benefits

Attribution Cayoba-Flickr
On a general note, rabbit meat is highly considered to be a vital source of protein with a low percentage of fat. The meat to bones ratio is one of the best yields when compared to other animals. In a rabbit’s body, twenty percent is made up of bones, and the other percentage comprises good wholesome meat. Continue reading →
A Review Of The KWS B-210 Countertop Model Saw
Commonly known as the KWS; Kitchen Ware Station Vertical Commercial Bone Meat Saw Machine, the product B-210 is ideal for all heavy-duty meat and bone cutting procedures. It is a machine with a lot of grunt and safety. Safety being a feature that is paramount and must be strictly adhered to as any mistake will cause serious injury when using any kind a cutting machinery.
It is used in butcher shops, delicatessens, domestically by home butchers and all other places where the need for cutting of meat and fish is a must. It’s saw blade has a length of 65” with a thickness of .02”. This machine can seamlessly cut through frozen meat, fish, bones and anything of about 6” thickness and a height of 7”. Continue reading →
Bison Meat-Healthy And Nutritious
Low in calories and tremendously nutritious, bison meat is very popular amongst health conscious meat lovers. Bison meat is nutrient dense the way red meat is but it is healthiness similar to white meat due to its fat and calorie content.
Bison meat is usually referred to as the meat of an animal that goes by the same name, but sometimes also called Buffalo but not to be confused with the Water Buffalo, which is another healthy meat variety. Continue reading →
Meat Home Delivered
I’m writing this article with the thoughts on how to help people find a realiable and quality meat home delivery supplier to get us through these lock down days because of coronavirus.
I already have a page for Online Meat where you can find my choices with Snake River Farms being my premium pick. Feel free to take a look and order from any of them as you wont be disappointed. Click Here to go to the page.
I have also had a quick search through Amazon and have found quite a number of other great quality suppliers. I have listed the ones that I think will satisfy every meat lover with a wide variety of great choices.
I hope you find them useful.
The Kitchener Meat Grinder Review
The Kitchener Heavy Duty Meat Grinder. 
For those that want to get their hands into making meat products at home, using quality ingredients is a must, but what about the machinery and tools? Quality ingredients and knowledge are one thing but also using great machinery and tools will just make the experience and job that whole lot easier and satisfying. For ease of grinding or mincing meat for burgers, sausages or meat loaf, there is a standout, quality yet affordable machine, currently $149.99… called The Kitchener Meat Grinder. Continue reading →
The Real Paddock To Plate
Paddock To Plate Beef With Provenir
With the trend of consumers across the World wanting to know more about where their produce comes from, the words above are used as a marketing phrase to get consumers thinking that their meat purchased is coming straight from the farm to the served plate in front of them. It has worked very well to give that feeling that the meat has passed through minimal hands and processes to be as natural as possible. Continue reading →
Is It A Burger?
As a butcher I follow the news and going ons of the meat industry as I have mentioned before.
I came across an article from Australia’s ABC Foreign Correspondence reporting on the Impossible Burger that can now be purchased from Americas Burger King fast food chain. Reporter Craig Reucassel purchases the Impossible Burger and an original Whopper Burger to give them a side by side taste test. I won’t write too much about it as I have a link to the story and videos of Craig’s tasting result and further details from his reporting. Continue reading →
Char-Griller E3001 Grillin Pro Review
A Complete Review Of The Char-Griller E3001 Grillin Pro
For a well-priced piece of equipment, the Char Griller E3001 Grillin Pro gas grill fills a gap in the highly competitive BBQ grill market particularly well.
Its huge cooking area simply means that the Char Griller E3001 Grillin Pro is quite a good sized unit with value. It measures 48 inches by 28 inches by 48-inch. Continue reading →